Monday, April 19, 2010
52 Prayers Has Moved to a New Website!
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Islamic Faith
Interesting facts:
A believer in the Islamic faith is referred to as a Muslim
Muslim means "one who submits to God (Allah)" in Arabic
Muslim is the 2nd largest religion in the world following Christianity
There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide
Prophet Muhammad is considered by Muslims to be the "Final prophet" of Allah for the world
Muslims pray 5 times a day
Islam means "peace through the submission of God"
Muslims neither worship or pray to Muhammad
Muslim beliefs:
Muslims believe in one true God, His name is Allah
Muslims believe in many Messengers from Allah: Noah, Adam, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad etc.
Muslims believe that Jesus and all his apostles, Abraham, Noah and Moses were all Muslim (which again means one who completely submits to the will of God)
Muslims believe that Allah should be worshiped, but worshiping of Allah's creations should not take place. For example: Tree-worshippers, Buddha, Jesus (all of Allah's creation, not Allah Himself)
Muslims believe that worshiping false idols is an unforgivable sin which seals their fate in the afterlife.
Muslims believe the greatest good of man is to worship ONLY Allah. Muslims believe the greatest evil in the world is to worship ANY form of Allah's creation (this includes, Jesus, Buddha, Hinduism etc.)
Muslims believe every child is born with a natural belief in Allah and an inborn inclination to worship Him alone called in Arabic the "Fitrah"
Muslims believe that 2 angels are responsible for every person. They believe that angels are assigned certain functions such as revelation, rain and plant growing, taking away peoples souls after death, watching over embryos in wombs, protecting human beings, and recording men's deeds
Muslims believed that the original Bible was the Word of God, yet the one of today is distorted by man. They believe that the scriptures were meant for a limited time. When the Qur'an was established, it revealed the Bibles changes and distortions.
Muslims believe the Qu'ran is the literal Holy Word of Allah, revealed to Muhammad but written down by his companions
It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel
Interesting parallels between Christians and Muslim teachings:
Muslims believe in Judgment day and refer to it as the "Day of Resurrection" where bodies will be raised and Allah will be glorified
Muslims believe in the Holy Spirit. They believe this same spirit is what gave Moses the 10 commandments
Muslims believe in an "anti-Christ" it's name is Dajjal
Muslims believe in the concept of sin and that Allah forgives sins of those who ask for it
Muslims believe Allah created the Heavens and the Earth in six days
Muslims believe Allah sits on His throne
Muslims believe in that Allah's books include: The Torah and The Gospels, Psalms, and the Tablets given to Abraham and Moses
Muslims many times refer to Allah as "Lord"
Muslims place much emphasis on faith (Inman) and ask that Muslims believe in Allah with their hearts, confess with their mouths, and act with their bodies (much like Christians: Confess with mouth that Christ is Lord, Faith in hearts, obedience)
Muslims believe in worshiping no other Gods (including Christ) however, it is much like the First Commandment if you believe Christ is God.
Muslims believe in Heaven and Hell
To learn more about the Islamic Faith, check out
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Richmond Friend's: Part: 2
Here's how the conversation went pretty much from start to finish:
Me: So, yeah, sorry about my judgments regarding this Quaker woman, God.
Him: I told you that you're already forgiven. You're human but do your best to stop that. Let's move past this though, I have much more to talk with you about.
Me: Okay, thank you for your forgiveness. Where should we begin, God?
Him: You tell me. What would you like to talk with Me about?
Me: Well, first off, is this You or me talking?
Him: I am.
Me. Okay, I guess that means You. It doesn't feel like me. I just can't believe you're still talking. I'm used to your one liners God. I can't imagine you'll be with me this whole hour. I bet 5 minutes from now I'm going over my weekly TO DO list in my head.
Him: Let's not talk about the next 55 minutes, okay? Let's focus on the present. Anything you'd like to talk about?
Me: Well, sure, let's start with this new found search for You.
Him: Glad you brought that up. I challenge you to not think of this so much as a search.
Me: Well, how could I not? I'm searching for truth.
Him: We're with you now. So what is it you're searching for?
Me: We? Actually, I understand why you're saying "We". No need to clarify. It's like that book the Shack, right? How funny that you're now saying We though. That's new, but I think I dig it.
Okay, so you're telling me that since you're here with me now I don't need to search for you.... Okay, I get that, God. But what about all the books I'm reading on Jesus and my Bible study with the Pastor every Wednesday? Do you not want me to look for You then either?
They: We just don't want you to approach us as something outside of yourself. We're right here with you. All you really need is to commune with Us. But continue reading if you like. Continue studying Our Word for sure. It's good for you to strengthen your faith if those books help you. But it's important for you to know this Truth: We're already here with you, right now and We will always be with you as long as you continue down this path.
Me: Wait, did you mean to say "as long as" meaning, you might leave me if I don't continue down this spiritual path? Could God ever leave my life?
They: Nope. We're always here. As long as you want us to be of course and as long as you continue to Love us.
Me: Oh, and by Love you mean to keep your Commandments and have a relationship with You.
They: Exactly.
Me: Okay, so since I have you All here, let me ask. Is the Bible true?
Them: Yes. It is Our Word. It is 100% truth.
Me: I knew it! But I just don't understand how so many people interpret it differently then?
Them: I never said that people are Truth. I said Our Word is. It is never changing. It is what We say it is. But only the Spirit can reveal It's Truth to people. People can't understand it (even though it's 100% truth) without the Spirit revealing itself through revelation. The Book is quite magical to say the least.
Me: you're saying that the Truth is in the Word and we should know it through the Holy Spirit not our own human understanding, meaning our own interpretations.
Them: Yes, through Us.
Me: Well, I hope You reveal it to me.
They: We will continue to do what you allow Us to do. If you ask, it is already given.
Me: Well is there something I can do to better worship and serve you God? I guess I'm asking: How do you think I'm doing in life?
They: Glad you asked. You have not been given the gift of interpreting the Bible through Spirit and giving it to others. You have tried to understand it instead of allowing it to reveal itself like We say It does. We have shown you it's truth and will continue to. But you can not share that truth through indepth knowledge of the Scripture with other people. It's not your gift, We haven't called you to do so, not now anyway.
Me: I can't? Well why not? Don't you want me to tell people about You?
Them: We do. But not like this. Understanding the Bible and sharing it with others is not your gift. You can't have all gifts, Jessica. Yours are special, but different. Talk about it, question it, sure. But don't say what it means unless you allow Us to say what it means. You don't know yet.
ME: Oh, got it. So basically, being a pastor is not in my future? But people like my Pastor on Wednesday, they have this spiritual gift of understanding the Bible?
Them: Yes. Your pastor understands because the Spirit has shown it to Him. It is his gift.
Me: Okay, well I didn't think that gift was for me anyway. It seemed to go "against the grain" when I tried to understand the Bible and tell people about it. But I was open to being a pastor if that's what You were calling me to do and I was just missing it. You know that, right God? That I'm ready for however you want me to serve you best.
Them: We know you are. And that's why We're telling you teaching scripture is not for you, if we didn't think you were ready to hear it, we'd just omit that part and let you try and save the world yourself.
Me: Well then what is my gift?
Them: You already know the spiritual gifts We've given you.
Me: I think I do. Can I run them by you so you can tell me if I'm right?
Them: Of course.
Me: The blog and coaching. I'm supposed to help coach people and write about you, those are my gifts.
Them: Well, you have it somewhat right.
Me: Somewhat? Where am I missing it? Is there more? Less? You know God, I'm open to whatever you will have me do.
Them: We know. Which is why we're ready to give you the understanding you've been asking of Us.
Me: Great! Let's hear it!
Them: The blog and your writing is for you. Not for other people. The coaching is for others, not necessarily for you.
Me: So I shouldn't share the blog anymore? What do you mean "for me" and "for others"?
Them: Keep writing in your blog. Don't worry about the blessings or whose reading. Just keep continuing to write about Us. You MUST be obedient in this. However, We are having you continue writing for your own good, not the good of others. This is for YOU to have a strengthened faith. For you to be accountable for continuing your relationship with Us. If We choose to bless you here, great. We may not choose this as your blessing in the way you think of it though. Instead, you are to write the blog in obedience to Us. And you are to obey because it is good for strengthening your faith. It is good. And that's all you need right now. The blog is not yours. It is ours. And I am using it for your good, not necessarily for the good of others. So don't worry about every word you write and whether or not you are helping spread our message through it. Just write the truth and We will strengthen your faith through that Truth. And We will do with OUR blog, what We see fit.
Me: Wow. So my words mean nothing to others when I write? It's just for me only? That's disappointing, I guess. I put so much time into it.
Them: Your disappointment is proof that it continues to be for YOU, not for others and you haven't even allowed it to be for Us. Your words you say. All glory be given to Us. Not you.
Me: You're right! Oh thank you God for pointing that out. I can't believe I'm saying this.... But I love when you show me my weakness. This understanding of myself is nothing short of strict discipline and I desire it. What about the coaching? How is that not for me but for others?
Them: I'm calling you for service of others.
Me: Service, huh? Through coaching?
Them: Through serving. In your coaching sessions, you are serving others. Think of each coaching client you've had thus far. All 4. What do they know of you?
Me: They know I care about them.
Them: What else?
Me: They know I want them to succeed.
Them: What else?
Me: They know I want them to be happy and encouraged.
Them: What else?
Me: They know I'm willing to go above and beyond a traditional coaching role to a doing role if it benefits them in some capacity. They know I'm willing to give my time. My energy. They know that I would spend my time outside of our sessions doing for them. They know that without really even knowing much about them, I love them. And to be honest, they all know that I do this because of YOU.
Them: Bingo. There you go. Witness by serving. Not by your scriptural knowledge but through service they will see Us. Serve and give of yourself and let them know who YOU serve. It's not forced; it's natural, it's not "against the grain" as you like to call it. You've already done it without knowing or thinking about it. This is your calling from Us. Share Us by serving people.
Me: *Ahem* well God, they actually pay me for this service. Should they continue to pay me? Or since this is your service should I do it for free?
Them: Any financial blessing you receive is a gift. So allow it. But if someone can not afford your love and help, give it anyway. For free.
Me: Okay, well how often should I be doing this?
Them: Constantly, Always be Serving.
Me: Well, what about our web design business?
Them: You will always be blessed financially with or without your help in your husband's business.
Me: Okay. Actually that's easy for me to believe, God. Because I've always just felt blessed financially like I understood that I was just supposed to have money.
Them: You always will be. It is a gift from Us. You're welcome.
Me: I was going to say thank you but you beat me to the punch.
Them: We know. Anything else you want to know?
Me: Let's see. What about my marriage?
Them: Another blessing given to you by Us. You're welcome.
Me: But we'll have hard times like everyone else and we'll have to....
(They interrupted me) Them: Stop using the human idea of having to struggle and just accept the Truth. We've blessed you financially and we've blessed your marriage. No struggle needed. They are gifts offered by Us. You shall not struggle in the sense that everyone tells you that you will. You are blessed by Us. There is no struggle here if you just allow Us to do what we do in your marriage.
Me. Thank you.
Them: Anything else?
Me: Okay, about my marriage, so you say it's good. What about my spiritual development and it co-existing with my marriage? I fear that if I go in one direction, he may go in another.
Them: As we said...your marriage is blessed by Us. The two of you have, and will have, a marriage like We intended people to have from the beginning. You will grow together, not apart. We are telling you the Truth.
Me: Thank you.
Them: What else would you like to discuss?
Me: Well let's see. How about my friend Susie. She really wants a baby. Since you and I are talking I may as well Susie going to get pregnant? Is prophecy something you'll reveal to me as a gift too? She really wants to.
Them: Whether or not she gets to bear a child isn't your concern. We will tell you this.... She has been conversing with Us just as you have. She will share in Our blessings the same way you have. And Our will be done. That's all you need to know.
Me: She has? I didn't know that!!!
Them: You have enough to worry about with your own journey, there was no need for Us to reveal her journey to you.
Me: Fair enough. Well I hope it is your will for Susie to have a baby. She REALLY wants it.
Them: We know what her desire is. WE will bless her the way We see fit.
Me: Okay, sorry. You already said to kinda stay out of it. I will. Glad to hear she's talking with you though.
Them: So are We. Your desire for Susie to Love us pleases Us.
Me: That's a good question, let's look at that for a moment....Do You All get happy or is that an emotion just for us humans?
Them: We are certainly pleased when people commune with Us if that's what you mean.
Me: So me talking with you makes you happy.
Them: Nothing makes us happier than your love.
Me: I'm glad I could make you happy, God. I didn't realize I had that ability to do that since you're God and all.
Them: You have pleased us much lately. Continue to let Us guide you on your path.
Me: I want to be guided. I want you to light my way. Like the song! A lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I love that song!
Them: We do too. And it is just like that song. We are looking to show you all things. You just need to talk with Us. Like you are right now.
Me: What else should I ask of you since I have your ear?
I turned around at this point and looked at the clock, I had 20 minutes left until the service was over.
Me: Okay, God. I have a whole 20 minutes, what should we cover? Oh! How about how my brother Jon in seminary. You must have great things in store for him, right?
Them: Jon pleases us much. We have decided that you two should gather continually in Our name for your sake.
Me: For my sake?
Them: For both your sakes. You and Jon are talking about Us because We decided that the two of you needed one another to strengthen eachother's faith. Not that you couldn't find Us without each other, but having a family member who is equally yoked helps clarify many things for the two of you. I've gifted you both with one another so that you will grow strong in Us. The power of two in my name is more awesome than you could ever imagine.
Me: Great. I'm so happy for that. I love Jon so much.
Them: We know you do. We have blessed you both. Just be patient in all things.
Me: How about my friend Bobby and Mary? I've been praying God for you to illuminate the lives of both Bobby and Mary with your Spirit. Are you going to do that?
Them: We will.
Me: Can you clarify the meaning of that? Are You going to make sure that they both have You?
Them: Everyone already has Us. They just have to have understanding of that truth. Remember, I came for the Jew and the Gentile.
Me: Oh no, this isn't going to go in the direction I think is it? That frustrating direction I keep coming to about who gets the Kingdom and who doesn't? I don't want to think or talk about that anymore.
Them: And so you shouldn't. I'm glad you brought this up. You have been defending Our name in Our honor with arguments and logic. You know better. First, you know so little about the Bible yet you use It to spread the Word. Stop it. This is not your gift as We've told you before. Your gift is service. Not to understand who gets Us. We came for everyone. Bobby, Susie, Mary, Everyone.
Me: But that's big because Mary and Bobby have both asked me whether or not they get you if they don't believe in the story of Jesus. How shall I answer?
Them: With Love. With Service. As We called you to do. When asked, tell them about Me, but tell them you don't know about everyone else. Because YOU DON'T.
Me: So let me get this straight. If I pray for Bobby and Mary to find You and then if they ask me, (who clearly has found you otherwise we wouldn't be talking right now) what the truth is, I shouldn't tell them?
Them: How can you tell them truth if you don't know it?
Me: But i do, I know THIS.
Them: Then this is what you should tell them. Tell them with your gifts. Which are what again?
Me: Service and encouragement.
Them: Perfect. So from now on, try not to defend Our honor with argument or defend it with scripture. Instead, use your gifts to spread our gospel and say "I DONT KNOW" for the parts you are unsure of. Service and encouragement, that's what you are responsible for.
Me: So for instance, I should help serve Bobby and Mary and that's how you want me to witness.
Them: Exactly. But Our only request is that when you do, during your service, you let them know why you serve them with no strings attached. Not because of you and your goodness, but because God has asked you to.
Me: I can do that. I think I'm feeling much better about not having self-importance these days. I am finding less of a need for recognition from others. I still have a long way to go, I know. But I feel like I'm making strides in that department.
Them: We see that is so. And it is good. But you're human and you will stumble, continue to stay close to Us and We will continue to make you more like Us.
Me: Oh good. Can you do me a favor and make me humble? Can you continue to give me understanding? And faith?
Them: Yes, this is Our promise to you. Our will be done.
Me: Thank you so much for this conversation.
I opened one eye and checked out the time behind me. I had 3 minutes left.
Me: So we only have 3 more minutes.
Them: Anything else you want to know about Us?
Me: I just want to thank You....All of You, I guess.
Them: You're welcome.
Me: Can you please keep me strong in my faith?
Them: All you need to do is believe that We are real. That this conversation is real. When you open your eyes and re-enter the world, just remember you spoke with Us today and that's the reality of all this. Don't equate it to talking to yourself. Know it for what it is and you will be doing Our will and We will continue to show ourselves to you and your faith with multiply beyond your dreams. We are Real.
Me: Okay. I can do that. This conversation IS REAL. This conversation is Real. This conversation is Real.
Them: I am.
Me: Thank you.
Them: Thank you, it has been Our pleasure talking with you today.
I opened my eyes and the rest of the congregation did as well. Everyone stood up and one by one, we broke our silence by saying good morning to one another and shaking each others hands. The woman I had assumed was a mean old Amish lady made her way toward me. The minute our eyes connected, I could see her Light shining. I thanked God silently. She said, "you're new aren't you? How did you hear about us?" I told her I was new to the service and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Which was a complete understatement. I wanted to shout, "Do you know that God talks back??!!!" but I had a sneaky suspicion she already knew.
As I left the service I looked back at the modestly dressed woman one last time and my heart filled with joy and peace. She offered me a warm inviting smile as if she knew that I had judged her and then had asked God for forgiveness. I felt that she too had offered her own personal forgiveness to me without hesitation. I smiled back at the Spirit I had come to know so well. The same Spirit her and I both shared. I knew with certainty that the past hour was indeed very Real and we were real Friends.
To learn about what I think is by leaps and bounds the best service I have attended so far, check out the Richmond Friend's website at:
Richmond Friends Meeting #16
The radio preacher chose a sermon relating to the healing power of God. He challenged us to pray for those inflicted with disease so that they may be miraculously healed through the power of the Spirit. The man said we could do greater things than even Jesus if we only believed. He was so inspirational that I found myself regretful that I was about to attend a silent Quaker service instead of a charismatic sermon that I now find myself anticipating all week. I thought, "I would really love to hear about God this morning instead of sit in silence for an hour." I'm continually amazed at how ignorant I am to the reality that God already exists within me and its not something I need to seek outside of myself.
At exactly 9:29 and probably 59 seconds, I hesitantly said goodbye to my charismatic preacher, and to my incredible cup of joe and approached the Meeting. When I first entered, a bold sign read "please no phones, food, or drink." I made sure my phone was turned off and then took a seat in an empty pew. It was easy to do so since at that time, me and another woman were the only ones there. She was a modest woman who appeared to be in her upper 40's. She was ordinary looking, with simple dress. She wore a button up long sleeve blouse, glasses and her hair was pulled back into a low, messy bun. Her cotton pants may have revealed her ankles had they not been covered by a thick pair of tall white gym socks. Since she was the only one in the room and I had no one else to criticize based on their appearance alone so my mind drifted off imaging the life she led outside of this Quaker service. In my vision, I saw her sipping hot water with her sister while visiting their small hometown in Pennsylvania. In my ridiculous imagination, I had made this woman up to be Amish, not Quaker. I envisioned her sister's house without electricity and how their log cabin home had a horse and buggy parked outside. Out back were several of those little wood heat furnaces I've see on infomercials with men and really long beards chopping wood. It's interesting how my mind immediately painted this picture of several religious stereotypes instead of initially trying to see the light of God within her. I had also determined that she was unfriendly. I thought she looked kinda mean since she wasn't smiling big at me when I entered. For a moment, I considered the fact that she might be, but then drew my own conclusion that if she was in this room and had the same intentions I did, to commune with the Holy Spirit, she couldn't be this cold, rigid Amish character I had made up in my head. In the first place, she's not Amish, I have no clue if she has a sister and her character, one would assume, may be much like the Spirit she communes with daily. At the very least, I knew I would be slapping my own hand for judging her spirit without even speaking a word to her. Then, as other people began to enter the area where we sat, I realized something quite interesting about myself and my character. First, I'm what my husband would call judgy McJudgerson. I assumed this lady is a mean Amish woman with a sister in Pennsylvania without electricity because of how she's dressed. But secondly, I think I assumed she wasn't nice because she wasn't giving me a huge smile and an over the top welcome. And I made this assumption when we weren't supposed to be talking. Hence, SILENT service.... so I'm not sure why I was expecting a salesman like greeting where she immediately met me at the door to let me know how happy she was to see me. And so, I began my one hour silent worship service asking for forgiveness from God for judging people based on appearances. He let me know that He had already forgiven me for this deed, and asked that we now begin what would be an hour long conversation with one another. And when I say this, I don't mean an hour of me praying and having this "knowing" that I was being heard, no, I mean, I spoke then He spoke, then I spoke, and then THEY spoke. I had no idea that in the next 55 minutes in this Friends meeting , I was going to have a very REAL Conversation with God. And that THEY had been wanting to converse with me for quite some time.
When the last person entered the church, there seemed to be a congregation of about 8 people. I didn't know if I was supposed to close my eyes or whether people would say anything but I just followed the others lead and closed my eyes and kept my mouth shut. For a brief moment, I wondered if this was going to be the same excruciating meditation that I was used to where I'd try to silence my mind but would think of about a million other things, but much to my surprise, the hour didn't seem like an hour, it went by in the blink of an eye. Time flies when you're talking to God like you would your neighbor, I guess.
My conversation with God can found be here:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Quaker Community
Quakers are:
...referred to as both Quakers and Friends.
...members of the Religious Society of Friends
.....self proclaimed pacifists interested in social equality, integrity, and simplicity.
Quaker's religious groups were formed in the 1600's when there was much turmoil in England.
Quaker's were formed as a means to restore "original Christianity" that was not corrupted by the church.
Quakers, like many other Christians, were imprisoned, tortured and executed for their beliefs.
Quaker's were separated into 3 groups in the 19th century:
a) Liberal: maintain the traditional practice of meetings based on expectant silence but most have abandoned Christianity to pursue various universalist philosophies
b) Pastoral: neo-Protestant Pastoral Quakers introduced hired priests and programmed (pre-planned) worship services. They are very similar in look, practice, and belief to typical Protestant churches.
c) Conservative Quakers: rejected both departures from the original vision and still retain the Christian beliefs and the waiting silent worship practiced by the original Friends.
None of the surviving groups retain the wholeness of the original Quaker witness, which was a balance between relying on the Inward Light, identitifying the historical Jesus as the eternal Christ.
There are 300,000 Friends worldwide today, most fall into the Pastoral group.
We believe that God is accessible to everyone-- now, today, here--and that Jesus Christ, the Logos, the Word of God, the Inward Light, is willing to teach us individually how to come to Him and how to live our lives.
We believe that because the Holy Spirit is willing to speak to us, personally, that it is our highest duty to listen. It is then our immediate obligation to act in accordance with His will.
Conservative Quakers (which is where I'll be attending) identifies the Light as both the historical, living Jesus, and as the Grace of God extended to people that simultaneously makes us conscious of our sins, forgives them, and gives us the strength and the will to overcome them.
The Light might be explained as the outpouring of the loving influence of God, extended to all people as the means of their potential salvation. Quakers also see the Light as "That of God in every man," that measure of the Holy Spirit given to us that is sufficient to work our soul's salvation, if we do not resist it.
Because all people-- Quaker or not-- have always had direct and immediate access to God, we believe that all other sources of religious understanding are inessential and subordinate, including scriptures, church authority, tradition, reason, and formal religious education.
Quaker's believe that it is the Spirit Himself who is the first authority of truth, not the writings of His human interpreters, however faithful. If not resisted, the same Spirit will guide all of us individually, and will provide a personal relationship with God based on direct experience of His presence, guidance, and love.
Conservative Quakers believe in complete integrity in worship and in life. All of life is sacramental, every day is holy, and the details are important. Because they are unnecessary to God and historically have distracted people from genuine communion with Him, we dispense with rites and ceremonies, ritualized sacraments, sacred books and buildings, creeds, clergy, and holy days.
Quaker's manner of daily living is an expression of worship in everything they do, and they are directed to seek divine guidance for their everyday activities. Simplicity and absolute honesty are religious expectations.
Friends Historical Society of Philadelphia Volume XI; 1922
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hope Church Sunrise Service #15
While driving to the church, I couldn't help but recognize the rainbow of colors that blanketed the morning sky. Shades of pink, purple, orange, blue, white and yellow created the most amazing picture. I found myself mesmerized by it. So much so that I had to remind myself to keep an eye on the road, not the sky. As I looked up at it's vastness, I realized that there is so much I don't understand about God and our existence. And I felt such gratitude for all I did not know because if I did, and my human understanding was enough to capture all of it, the Spirit of God would lose so much of it's luster, so much of it's magnificent mystery.
When I arrived, about 100 people, all looking equally sleepy-eyed gathered around the church's band and Pastor as we listened to worship music and silently prayed to Jesus Christ. I found myself this morning in particular feeling so grateful for what God does for me. For the blessings he's given my family. For the blessings he's given me with this project. And thankful for the opportunity to just know him. I was particularly thankful for my new found desire to know God with all my heart.
The service only lasted 30 minutes. An outdoor band played a few worship songs, read a few bible verses from the gospels, and it ended with communion. The pastor had told us that anyone wanting to partake could form a line to eat of the bread and wine in remembrance of Christ. Even though I would be attending the 8:45 service at the Episcopalian church where I knew I'd do it then, I did feel compelled to get in line. I walked up to the front and the kind pastor wished me a happy Easter, and handed me what he called "the bread of life". I put it in my mouth only after dunking it in the glass of wine which represented the blood of the Lamb. As soon as it crossed my lips I immediately regretted that decision. Ashamed to say, I just couldn't swallow it, regardless of what it represented. I knew if I did swallow this soggy piece of cardboard, it would not be good....for anyone. So it sat, for the next 10 minutes atop my tongue until I I finally got to my car and managed to slyly spit it out. When I was finally alone, I laughed to myself at how ridiculous I can sometimes be. I told God that I hoped I hadn't offended him but this cardboardy bread was just too much to bare. I then requested that at the 8:45 service, he serve maybe a nice honey wheat....and actually, thank GOD....he answered my prayer.
To learn more about Hope Church (whose incredibly awesome tagline is Hope Church: A Good place to Find Life) you can take a look at their website here: I'll certainly be attending a traditional service there soon.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Shady Grove United Methodist: Tenebrae Service #14
Tenebrae is celebrated before Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday during Holy Week and is recognized by many Catholic and Protestant churches. The Protestant version of the distinctive ceremony includes a series of songs, readings or chants from the gospels which describe the time between the Last Supper and the death of Jesus Christ, and many times include the last 7 words that Christ spoke before he gave up his life.
When I entered the Shady Grove sanctuary area, there seemed to be a spirit of mourning amoung those in attendance, including myself. A very simple wooden cross set the stage for what was nearing. From my limited research I knew I was to expect a dramatic representation of the days before Christ died, but I had no idea exactly how moved I would be when I left that night.
I took a seat in the middle of a pew as the congregation filled up the space. When we were finally all settled in, a somber looking man, wearing all black stood in the front of the room, holding a lit candle. The choir stood behind all of us and began to sing praises to God as they slowly walked down the aisle. One by one, with an unlit candle in their hands, they met the lone man who offered them light by sharing his flame and lighting their candles. When the entire choir, dressed from head to toe in black had joined the man and they were all facing us, they began to act out the gospel of the last days of Christ in song. They sang, and spoke the words that the apostoles had spoken some, 2000 years ago.
The show started at 7pm when the sun was still shining. Slowly, during the service, as the sun set, the room started to darken. First, the overhead lights were dimmed, then, as the sun fell down on the earth, the lights in the sanctuary did as well until the candles they held were the only lights we saw. They sang in glorious, beautiful praise and the service was delightful, but the truth was we were mourning. This wasn't just acting. We were a somber bunch. For almost 15 minutes straight, in a dimly lit room, we all sang sweetly to God and mourned the loss of our Savior.
Jesus like a Lamb to the slaughter.
Jesus like a Lamb to be slain.
Jesus to your death you are nearing
Jesus the Lamb of God.
One by one, the remaining candles were gradually snuffed out as they finished the passages that represented the flight of the disciples and the approach of dark hate of Jesus enemies and finally the Passion of the Christ. With only one candle left burning, the man who portrayed Jesus, stood with the cross behind him, looking up to heaven with real tears in his eyes, and screamed "Abba!" and "forgive them, for they know not what they do" and finally "it is finished."
In that moment, the final flame disappeared and the sanctuary was completely dark. All I could hear was sniffling all around me. Maybe because I myself was crying like a 2 year old. For what seemed like a lifetime, we all sat, silently in prayer. The final words spoken were a brief recollection of the time Jesus was in the tomb.
To conclude the ceremony, the man portraying Jesus asked us to please leave the place in silence. Not one word was spoken by anyone until we all got into our cars.
If you're looking for a church in the West End of Richmond and you'd like to learn more about Shady Grove United Methodist, visit their website here:
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Christian Marketing Department
Well, I don't know if there's any way around this, but I suspect they think we're a bunch of self-righteous punks. I mean, sure, Christians probably don't think so but what about the non-Christians? What do they think of us Christians? How about those people who say "I believe in a higher power, but not sure about the Jesus character" what do you think immediately comes to their mind when someone says, "I'm a Christian" if they are not? I can't speak for the entire world, only for those people I've met along the way in my life who have told me exactly what they think of Christianity. They think it's a dirty word. A lot like the word Republican, but that's a whole other post for a whole other blog.
Why do they think such things of us? Is it possibly because we tell them too often what they are doing in life is wrong? I think some of us are certainly guilty of that. Is it because in the middle of enjoying ice cream with our friends do some of us launch into "you know, Jesus loves you and died on the cross for our wretchedness" which if you don't already know..that TOTALLY turns people off? Well sure, that's part of it. Is it maybe that our representatives who are out in the public eye blame God for cursing nations with natural disasters because they "made a pact with the devil" all the while people around the world mourn the loss of precious lives? Hmmm, I can certainly understand why we might not be popular after that. Or could it simply be because we turn on our own and church's stand divided against one another for not being "Christian enough" as if we're any better because of our chosen denomination. Whatever the reason, we need to put an end to it if we , as the "one true church", are called to save people from hopelessness which can only happen through having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
No one wants to hear from us unless they're already Christian because we are not behaving like Christians. Christ isn't coming into people's homes while they're eating dinner and saying, "do you know about the blood of the Lamb, turn from your sins NOW!" If He had first approached us this way, we'd run like someone was chasing us. No. He showed us love. He shed some light on our darkness and then we became intrigued. We started wanting to do right. And that grew until we wanted to know why we wanted to do right. And then we wanted to not do wrong but couldn't and wondered why! For those of you who are Christian, you remember how you came to Christ don't you!!?? Was it through fear, guilt, and shame? Or was it because you wanted His Love, so you asked for it and He delivered?
I struggle with how I should approach my role as a marketer for God. I want to share the Good News with everyone I meet. But then I think that's exactly what creates that negative Christian brand in the first place. It's spreading the Word of God on your own, instead of allowing the Spirit of God to do it for you. We don't have to do anything. There's no real strategy involved on how to be a positive powerful marketer for God. We just have to Love Him, commune with Him, and then allow Him to work through us. We are commanded to serve others so we can be in their company and be ready when asked where this hope in our hearts comes from; but it's up to God to reveal Himself. If we wake up every morning and ask "How may I serve?", it's impossible to not become a successful sales force and powerful representatives for Christianity out in the world. It's our willingness and His will, that's all it takes.
Being Christian means bearing the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self-control, kindness, goodness, and gratefulness. It doesn't mean reciting Bible verses to prove we're "right" and telling people they're sinners so we feel better about ourselves. It means shining the light in everything we do. And when that light bothers people, we don't just come into their homes flash light o blazin. I'm not suggesting we hide our lamp by denying who we are and who we serve, but we share who we are by the fruits that our lives produce, not by trying to convert people to believe as we do or guilt them into turning toward God. Of course if someone asks what gives us hope, we should tell them. But let's try to not ram it down their throats and scare them into thinking they're going to burn in hell if they don't hop on board at that very moment. We just have to let them in on the secret of life and let the Spirit of God do what It does! It's not our job to "convert" people. It's our job to love and serve people.
The best marketers are the ones who believe in their products or services. We just need to believe in Christianity. Be ready when asked and be ready when the Holy Spirit opens up that perfect moment for you to share the news. You'll know exactly when it is. It's when there are no other words that fit the conversation other than "because Jesus loves me, and He loves you too." And until that time comes, just let your lights shine! That's all He really wants from us. To let go and to let God.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Trinity Lutheran #13
I decided from now on, I will have no pity for the disabled. Instead, I will save my pity for those of us who are intellectual giants but lack the wisdom that these Lutheran's had. I may continue to thank God for my health when I'm reminded of how fortunate I am, but I will no longer think "awe, poor guy." Because on Sunday, I was reminded that there is nothing poor about them. These Lutherans were Rich with wisdom.
Now I have to take a minute to write about the choir. I just have to say, the WEAG's better watch their backs...there's another choir in town. With only 4 women and 2 men, these people were AMAZING. They sung their hearts out. One young woman, I swear could have given Mariah Carey a run for her money! It wasn't too traditional (although that's my preference) but it wasn't too modern either. The songs were beautiful and moving. I think the WEAG's need to think about doing some Lutheran recruitment if they want to continue being the best of the best!
If I could describe the entire experience with one word, I'd probably use the word "nice." It was a nice sermon, and a nice church and the experience was...well...nice. I probably wouldn't make Trinity Lutheran my home but I would certainly recommend them to anyone wanting a nice group of people to worship with. If you were brought up Catholic but desire a church that's a bit more laid back while still being traditional. You could be a Lutheran.
To learn more about Trinity Lutheran, visit their website at:
Hutaree Militia
I'll make it short and sweet so I don't give too much attention to Hutaree since it is such a sad and unfortunate situation, but I pray for these men and for their families. I pray that if the charges againt the Hutaree militia are found to be valid and they are indeed Christians plotting to kill their neighbors that the world doesn't see this as another strike against the religion of Christianity.
God, I pray you insert yourself into this situation and shed some light on this darkness.
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Lutheran Community
And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father; And He shall come again with glory to judge both the quick (living) and the dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end.And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. And I believe one holy Christian and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins,
And I look for the resurrection of the dead, And the life of the world to come. AMEN.
- All Lutheran doctrine (teaching) is to be taken from Holy Scripture.
- The Lutheran Confessions, or Symbols are seen as secondary norms, or as true declarations of the doctrines of Holy Scripture, which all who would call themselves Lutheran must confess and teach. For this reason the confessional Lutheran Church demands of all its public teachers and ministers a bona-fide subscription to all its Confessions as the pure and unadulterated declarations of God's Word.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
In Jesus name I Pray
Something in the deepest parts of my gut prompted me to say the words Jesus Christ instead of praying to this generalized "God of All" the other night while praying. It's funny that I chose that phrase "Jesus Christ. Lord of lords, All glory be to You." as they said their Baha'i prayers. I usually talk very conversationally to God in my everyday. It's fairly peculiar that I chose to say "Lord of lords" that night and call Him by His official name. I don't talk that way. It was awfully formal of me to pray in that manner. I don't even call Jesus by his name unless I reference Him out of tradition or ritual when closing out my prayers by saying, "In Jesus Christ I pray." I usually just call Him God. But here I was, without preparation or any thinking involved, in an instinctual fashion calling on Jesus as my Lord of lords and asking that He may have "ALL glory". It wasn't until I came home, wrote my post and meditated on the reason for this for days that it came clear to me why I was calling on His name during my time with the Baha'i's.
I spent several days dreaming about their faith. I talked about the religion. Looked up it's history online. I read from the books given to me by Thelma. I even put the framed photograph of their Prophets son up and really gazed at it for some time. I mean, they believed this man was the Son of a living manifestation of God himself, much like Jesus Christ, so he certainly deserved my attention, right? I wanted to believe this faith was true and support it's cause because it's such a wonderful idea that all religions have it "right."
Finally, after about 4 or 5 days of meditating on the Baha'i religion, I realized I was a bit spooked. I had this uneasiness in my heart and in my soul. This uneasiness lasted for almost 72 hours. It wasn't until I stopped hiding this feeling from God that I heard his voice once again. Our conversation went much like this:
"God, you're scaring me. I've had nightmares about religion. I can't stop thinking about the Baha'i faith and Balluluah's claim that he was You, the second coming of Jesus Christ here on earth. How can you let me be scared by You? You have told me to not be afraid, so I'm ashamed that I have this fear. I don't want to hide it any longer though because hiding from You, and fearing You is only giving power to this fear. What's up here? Why would You allow this? I'm embarrassed to even admit this to you, God. But I'm spooked by the only thing that usually bring me peace! I'm sorry that I feel this way. But how can I have too much God in my life that it scares me? So I guess it's true, you can have too much of even a good thing... right God?"
After I was done rambling, God gave me a minute to still my mind and then replied: "I've been waiting for you to come to me with this. Be not afraid I am with you."
I felt peace in that brief moment but that peace quickly turned into frustration. "But You're who is scaring me! So if you're with me, why should that bring me comfort and not fear?"
To which God replied: "Would I allow you to fear Me?"
"I didn't think so, God, but I'm clearly afraid of You. I stand before you, filled with so much angst that I'm apprehensive to even tell you about it. I'm in over my head with this religious and spiritual stuff. Maybe I should distance myself from it so it doesn't make its way into every area of my life."
To which God replied: "Could My Presence make you afraid? Could My Presence haunt your dreams? Could you be filled with fear while in My company? Be not afraid, for I am with you"
God was obviously missing something. "Well, clearly I can, God. I'm telling you I'M AFRAID OF YOU RIGHT NOW!" I said in anger.
To which God lovingly replied: "Be not afraid, for I am with you. If you have this fear, what is that telling you? Do not be deceived. I am with you."
"Deceived?" I thought to myself. "Do not be deceived? What does that mean? "After days of frustration, chaos and uncertainty, I was finally, in the blink of an eye, blanketed with an unimaginable peace. A knowing. Clarity. Understanding. It dawned on me.....
Before I could even get out the words, He replied. "I have listened, and I have stayed near to you while you are on your search but have you stayed near to Me"?
Then I remembered his words from a few weeks prior. "To understand who I am, you must understand who I am not."
I began to cry. I picked up my Bible and read Matthew chapter 16 and I reunited with God once again.
So what did I learn from the Bahai's? Well, it's hard for me to even say. It's hard for me to type this out and say "this is what I believe" because it comes across as exclusive and it directly contradicts what so many others believe because it is indeed a very "narrow gate" when you take into affect all the other religions in the world. But by not saying this in my blog, or to anyone who asks where my faith resides is to hide the TRUTH as I know it. My truth. And I am, accountable to God more than I am this world. So here it goes....
I was praying to Jesus Christ during my prayer with the Baha'is, whose entire religion is based on the fact that ALL religions are "right," because I don't believe that. I just don't believe that. And not because my ego is too big to think that I can not be "wrong" or because I have some need to be "right." Not because I lack the depth or understanding of other religions. Not because I'm not loving or peaceful. I'm trying, desperately, to see how there is another path to God aside from JUST through Jesus Christ because I like the thought of everyone being "right" much much better. But the truth is, if I'm honest with myself, I believe what my father believed early in his search for Truth:
Jesus Christ, The Lamb, Lord of all lords, died on the cross for my sins. And through HIM we have hope and eternal life. In that moment when Jesus Christ took his last breath it was finished. John 19:17-30 I can't say where all those other paths lead, but I can say this: He was either a liar, or He was God himself. And Jesus was not a liar. He finished it. Therefore, from my understanding, there was no other need for God to manifest himself here on earth after Jesus Christ, because it is done!
My fear was not fear of my one true Creator, Jesus Christ, Lord of lords, my fear was because it WAS NOT Jesus Christ. That fear has now been replaced with a stronger faith than ever before. One thing I know for sure and no false prophet will ever ever tell me otherwise as long as I keep the Lord close....Jesus Christ was the Son of God, he died and was resurrected.
So for the Baha'i religion to be worthy of my devote commitment and worship, I must ask: Does the Baha'i Faith agree that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that he was sacrificed so that we may have eternal life? If the answer is yes, then I'm all ears. And maybe I am a Baha'i. But when Jesus turns to me and asks "who do they say I am?" And I answer with "one of the great prophets" I will be filled with peace knowing that when he asks me the next question I will confidently reply: "You are the Christ, Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:13-17) and you know what? I'm finally happy to openly admit that regardless of whether or not it's P.C.
Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3
Whew, I'm glad I got that off my chest. If you know the joy I have living within my heart, please thank Him for what He did for us. Not just on Easter, not just in a moment of silent gracious prayer on Sunday (or Saturday for you Adventists and Messianic Jews) but in everything you do; be like Him and let your light shine so that others may see and want to know where your joy comes from!
It's my prayer today that the love of Jesus Christ overwhelm YOU in every area of your life. I'm here to tell ya, there's no such thing as too much of a good thing.
Thank you, God. Thank you for allowing me to briefly overcome my ego today. To overcome my pride, my need to be accepted, and have the ability to share the Good News exactly as it should be shared. Thank you God for allowing Your Spirit to give me the strength I need to be a witness on Your behalf. Thank you for your living Word, where I find this strength. God, remind me continually that this world is not about me. It is about You and how I can serve You. God, I ask that you strengthen my faith so that I may never have fear. In JESUS NAME I pray. Amen.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Baha'i Henrico Community #12
After leaving a message indicating my desire to understand the specifics regarding the Bah'ai faith, I was contacted by a kind woman who generously offered to have me over for dinner to discuss any questions I might have about their religion. I accepted her invitation and last week I courageously drove into an unfamiliar area of Richmond off of Parham road and met her and her husband in their home for a meal.
I was talking to my sister on my cellphone as I drove up to the couples house. While parked in the car outside, my sister had a bit of fun by saying, "hey Jess, if you change your name as part of your religious conversion, just let me know what it is so I know what to call you" I couldn't help but join in her laughter. The whole thing is a bit funny. It was only 3 short months ago that I wasn't attending church at all and here I was, on the stoop of a Baha'is house searching for God on their doorstep. Right before we got off the phone, she offered a lighthearted yet sincere warning saying: "Make sure your husband knows where you are and have your phone ready just in case they try any funny business." So I listened to her wise council and called my husband to double check he had the address. I gave him a signal and said, "if I call but don't say anything, that means to come and save me." He agreed so I made my way to the entrance of their home, with my cell phone tucked away discretely in my sweatshirt pocket. I said a quick prayer that God keep my mind and heart open to their religion, but made Him promise once again to keep close by. Of course, as always, He assured me He would.
As soon as the door opened, I was greeted by "Thelma" who had as friendly a face as she did a voice. She warmly welcomed me into her home with a simple smile. I immediately noticed her and her husband were both barefoot so I asked if she'd like for me to remove my shoes, to which she replied, "please." I wondered if it was because they didn't like dirty shoes, or whether it had to do with their religion like the Buddhist and Hindu communities.
I couldn't help but notice as I made my way into the kitchen pictures of almost every mainstream religious leader hung proudly on their wall. A picture of Jesus Christ, Balluha's son, a Muslim picture, a zen statue, and a Hindu god surrounded their family photos as if they were just another child's high school graduation picture.
We immediately sat down for dinner which was an Indian chicken cuisine. I thought it was a brave food choice to offer a stranger since Indian is an acquired taste but they were in luck, I was indeed a fan. As we ate, they asked a bit about my background and what had led me to their door. I told them about my search for Truth and attending the different houses of worship. They seemed intrigued and ask for me to share a few of my experiences with them from the past few months which I was happy to.
After some good dinner conversation, they fired up the laptop computer. Thelma cooked us up some hot chai tea while her husband "Edmond" pulled up a very detailed hour long power point presentation about their Prophet Bahá'u'lláh and the Baha'i faith. I was fascinated by all the information they had to offer. It was then that they revealed to me that people aren't really encouraged to worship with Baha'i's until they admit that Bahá'u'lláh was a manifestation of God. So this would be as close as I'd get to worship with them until I had made my mind up to become a member of their religion. As questions arose, Thelma would get up from her seat and proclaim with excitement "I have a great book that answers just that!" and she'd run into a different room of the house only to come out with yet another piece of Baha'i literature to read.
When I left that night, some 4 hours later, I had a large paper bag which held 3 Baha'i books, 1 prayer book, 1 plastic Baha'i prayer card, 2 CD's of Baha'i music and a picture of the Prophets son, framed with a passage regarding the Holy Spirit displayed underneath. Thelma whispered at one point when she realized how much she had given me, "I'm not overwhelming you am I? Am I being overbearing? If so, I'm so sorry. I just get so excited about this stuff but I just realized I'm sending you home with an entire Baha'i library!" I smiled and reassured her she wasn't. I know that excitement all too well so she certainly wasn't overwhelming me with her enthusiasm for God.
We spent some time after the presentation talking about our personal relationships with our Creator. At one point when sharing the story about the murder and persecution of their Prophet, Bahá'u'lláh, Thelma's husband Edmond broke into tears. He apologized by saying, "I'm so sorry for crying." I felt his pain. I tried to console him. "I cry often when thinking about the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross. It's nothing to be ashamed of" I said. Thankful for my desire to ease his embarrassment he turned to me, smiling through his tears and said, "Thank you, Jessica. But I'm not a little girl. I'm a 260 lb burly man, we're not supposed to cry like you ladies." We both laughed as we agreed it was not exactly the norm.
The energy and emotion that I felt in the room while worshiping with these two was indescribable. I felt not only welcomed but encouraged to share my story. I felt that I could listen to their beliefs without judgment. I was open to what they were saying about Love and all the religions working toward the same goal: peace, love and joy. I felt understood when I told them that I felt I was being called by God to share the Good News. I wasn't scared to tell them about my relationship with God because they might think I was a "Jesus Freak" instead, here were 2 people who spent every hour of every day serving their God so nothing I could say could take them by surprise. They welcomed people interested in their faith into their homes, they tithed, they decorated their home in images of gods, they fasted, they tried to be the best they could be by not drinking, or doing drugs, and eating right and trying to be really good to people. They were both fantastic representatives for their religion. Pillars of peace, health, forgiveness, equality, sacrifice and understanding. I loved them! I couldn't help but continually and silently pray for them as they spoke to me just asking God to fill their lives with happiness. At one point in our conversation I felt so connected and convinced of their cause that my face must have been a tell tale sign of how "into them" I was. I was beaming from ear to ear as they told me about their religion. While nodding in a self assured manner, Thelma leaned in as if she was going to reveal to me a secret and whispered, "you are a Bahai my dear, I can tell. You are very godly. You are a Bahai!" I was thrilled! I was flattered! "They must think I'm very understanding," I thought full of self pride. "THEY LIKE ME! THEY THINK I'M PEACEFUL! THEY THINK IM ACCEPTING AND LOVING!" I'M SO GOOD AND THEY CAN SEE IT!" I silently screamed. When I realized how carried away I was getting in my head, I wondered if they too could see my self-righteousness so I immediately tried to hide it by changing the subject.
We ended the evening with about 45 minutes of meditation and prayer. I felt physically wonderful. I felt very similar to how I felt the first time I was in the Mormon church. I was almost buzzing with Spirit in a manic fashion. I was convinced while in that room that the Baha'i faith had it "right" and that we're All praying to the same God and that I was a Baha'i because I believe in love and unity and equality. Then, they started to pray to Baha'ullah aloud.
I sat with the two of them on either side of me in their living room, eyes closed and hands clasped as they read Baha'i prayers and I silently chanted "Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords. All glory be to You." There was something about their prayers that just wasn't resonating with me. I loved their ideas about unification and world peace but when they prayed, I just didn't feel like.... I just didn't feel like.... like they were praying to...well, my God.
We wrapped up the night at around 11pm. I hugged both Thelma and Edmond like we were old friends and began walking to my car, bag of Bah'ai trinkets in hand. As I looked at my phone I realized it was on silent and I had been at this house for almost 4 hours and had 10 missed calls, all from my husband. I quickly called him, knowing I must have scared him and apologized for not keeping in touch. To which he replied, "so are you a Baha'i? You better be because you were there forever and scared the crap out of me!" I told him I very well might be and that I had a wonderful experience. When I got home, I thought long and hard about that small home off of Parham road; the pictures on the wall, Thelma and Edmond, the power point, the music, the food, the entire experience just continuously played in my head. But one thing kept bubbling up as an uncertainty, something I wasn't sure how I felt about. The prayers that concluded the evening left me feeling a bit uneasy. What I couldn't help but wonder was whether I did indeed believe we were all praying to the same God like Thelma and Edmond had claimed. I decided to give myself a few days to explore their religion and meditate on their beliefs before deciding where I fit into all this.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Today is Earth Day: Not really but it should be
Your Spirit lives in the whistling winds, oh how I love thee
Every budding flower, You are it's very life
Joy. Joy. Joy.
Draw near to me, my one true Love
Oh how may I serve thee? With what fruit shall I bear?
You answer "with Love" in the warm Spring air
The sweet fragrance of soil, the deep blue in Your sky
It's simple beauty captivating All.
Joy. Joy. Joy.
The sweet scent of pine, it is none but the face of thee
The salt in the seas, it is none but the face of thee
The warmth of the sun, it is none but the face of thee
The richness of the earth, its is none but the face of thee
Water I drink, but I'm thirsty for more
Patience you have requested of me
Endurance to the very end
Your countenance; peace
Your eyes; kindness
Your Spirit; goodness
Your message; hope
Gratitude for this is being asked of me
Gently, I ask thee to draw me near
Humbly before thee, I yearn to serve
Your will be done.
Joy. Joy. Joy.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Bahá'í Faith and It's International Community
The Bahá'í Faith is the youngest of the world's independent religions. Its founder,Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1892), is claimed to be the most recent Messenger of God. According to it's religion, other Messangers of The One True God included Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad. To actively be a Baha'i, one must admit that Bahaullah was a Messenger from our loving Creator, however, all the other religion's prophets are also Manifestations of that exact same God and no one Messenger is higher or more important than the other.
Bahá'u'lláh's taught that humanity is one single race and we are living in one single society called Earth. He told his followers that the world has arrived at a time in it's history where we as people should unite in one global society and accept the fact that oneness is our reality. He says that we as men and women of God are to fulfill our mission of assisting in the process of unification of the entire human race any way we can.
The Bahá'í Faith is essential to the unification process as its main purpose is to help make this world wide peace possible. The Bahá'ís, pride themselves on their cultural, racial, and sexual diversity because that diversity alone serves as a symbolic representation of the possibility of a world where we can whole-heartedly love our neighbors without any prejudice and apply the Golden Rule.
Bahá'u'lláh's message to the world was that under this one God, we have now finally come to a place in history where we are ready to embrace this unification because of our spiritual awakening and moral maturity. This spiritual and moral maturity is continually ripening. It is this ripening that makes possible the unification of the human family and the building of a peaceful, global society. Among the principles which the Bahá'í Faith promotes as vital to the achievement of this goal are
- the abandonment of all forms of prejudice
- assurance to women of full equality of opportunity with men
- recognition of the unity and relativity of religious truth
- the elimination of extremes of poverty and wealth
- the realization of universal education
- the responsibility of each person to independently search for truth
- the establishment of a global commonwealth of nations
- recognition that true religion is in harmony with reason and the pursuit of scientific knowledge
Bahá'u'lláh's claims effect people both spiritually as well as socially. His teachings redefine the very concept of religion and its separateness nature. His vision of the oneness of humankind involves not just solidarity, the safeguarding of human rights, or the establishment of an enduring peace, but rather "an organic change in the structure of present-day society, a change such as the world has not yet experienced."
As seen many times in Bahá'u'lláh's writings, the primary purpose of God has been to reveal His will through His wordly Manifestations so we may be more like Him. not the object of every Revelation to effect a transformation in the whole character of mankind, a transformation that shall manifest itself both outwardly and inwardly, that shall affect both its inner life and external conditions? For if the character of mankind be not changed, the futility of God's universal Manifestations would be apparent.
Much like Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad and the other Divine Messengers before Him, Bahá'u'lláh, urges us to exemplify the spirit to God within ourselves by having an inner desire to be of sincere service to others. He states: "the purpose for which mortal men have...stepped into the realm of being, is that they may work for the betterment of the world and live together in concord and harmony." "Let each morn," He urges, "be better than its eve and each morrow richer than its yesterday. Man's merit lieth in service and virtue and not in the pageantry of wealth and riches ... Guard against idleness and sloth, and cling unto that which profiteth mankind, whether young or old, whether high or low." When instructing us how to act, Bahá'u'lláh commands ""Do not busy yourselves in your own concerns; let your thoughts be fixed upon that which will rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind and sanctify the hearts and souls of men."
The Bahai faith believes that through the acceptance of the creative power of the historical Prophets and other Manifestations of God during history, an individual's can realize it's true potentiality. Without this Divine power, we remain a prisoner of cultural limitations based on our learned prejudices. When Bahaullah was giving this wisdom to His followers about why God needed to send Divine Manifestations. he used the following analogy which Bahai's still use when educating people about His holy message today. He explains, God is as the Sun, and the Manifestations are as Mirrors that reflect that Divine light -- but they are in no way to be considered as identical to that Sun. One can not look directly at the Sun because it is so great, the same way one can not know God because It is so righteous we can not ever know the unknowable beauty. But one can look at a mirror and see a glimpse of the Sun and it's glory through it.
Bahai's attest that Bahá'u'lláh had to come to the Earth because He was empowered by God to generate spiritual forces that will bring into being a peaceful and integrated global society which is the ultimate goal of God's plan for humanity. By bringing together the world's great religious systems and revealing how each is a Divine expression of the One, God has progressively revealed His divine plan.
The Hidden Words, authored by Bahá'u'lláh himself.
God, His Manifestations, and Man - authored by Bahá'u'lláh himself.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Baha'i Faith Richmond, VA
I'd be lying if I said that while the foundation of this faith is so appealing it does raise some very interesting questions within myself as it makes some serious claims about Jesus Christ. My "religion" not spirituality makes me instantly doubt the validity of the religion itself (for me, not for the Baha'is who accept it) because it claims that Jesus Christ has already made His return to Earth. With that being said, my spiritual self that believes we are all children of God and our 2 greatest commandments of Jesus himself are to love one another and to love God with all our heart. These 2 commandments bring me to a place of understanding. Those 2 commandments alone make me wonder if these Bahai's are really on to something. It leads me to ask if all other religions are also worshiping the same God of Abraham and I wonder if we can all be "right" in the eyes of God. Of course I want to believe that. It's my sincere hope and desire for this to be true. But then again returns my father's voice, "Truth is not multi-faceted. He was either a liar, or the Son of God and there is one way, one gate, one lamb and in Him and only Him is Salvation." Why when remembering my father and his faith do I only think about his Christian beliefs and not the years after that he explored everything from Confucianism to Taoism? Is that the voice of fear, or the voice of the Holy Spirit? Why do those words ring clear even though he verbally denounced them toward the end of his life?
I don't want to contemplate this all in this post, but instead, meditate on It first to see what bubbles up. But before diving into Baha'i research, I will share this quote with you so in these words you can get a small glimpse of the belief system that these people hold.
A quote from Abdul-Baha' a great teacher of the Baha'i faith:
“Cleanse ye your eyes, so that ye behold no man as different from yourselves. See ye no strangers; rather see all men as friends”
--‘Abdul-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdul-Bahá, p. 24
Sounds a lot like the Golden Rule, right? Now who can argue with that????
Monday, March 15, 2010
West End Assembly of God #11
As I suspected, the choir was nothing short of magnificent. While they didn't have a live camel parading around (yes, they actually have a live camel come walk around the theater during their Christmas show) I was still equally impressed with the enthusiasm and passion that the WEAG's (as the pastor so loving refers to his congregation) bring to the table.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I realized just how massive this church truly is. With an estimated 200 cars in the parking lot, and nearly 400 in attending church service on a rainy Sunday WEAG clearly has a loyal following. I sat high up in their stadium seating area and watched the service from one of their 4 high tech TV screens that displayed the Pastor up-close so everyone could see him well.
Pastor John Hershman , had the attention and respect from his congregation as well as a very satirical sense of humor. He poked fun at one point when explaining how he wasn't really "with it" this Sunday by saying "I'm kinda groggy this morning because of the weather, but luckily, I knew I only needed a half a brain today because of who I was preaching to" Everyone loving smiled as he continued..."Actually, to be clear, that comment was only directed at current church members, anyone new to the church, you're clearly very smart"
In the brief time I was there, He seemed to be a very sincere and humorous speaker and his presence alone made everyone feel comfortable. It was easy to feel at home with him leading the service.
The sermon was about the days before Jesus was being called to die on the cross and His discussion with his disciples before he left them with the Counselor. When speaking of Jesus's commitment to fulfill his Father's mission, the Pastor was briefly overcome with emotion and moved to tears. After he regained composure, he ended the service in thoughtful prayer.
Because of my experience with the Pentecostal church during High School, I was kinda hoping to see some people talking in tongues, but no such luck. I guess I have to go to another Pentecostal church to get a glimpse of that! Unfortunately, it just wasn't all that eventful in that regard but maybe I just showed up at the wrong time of day. The WEAG's have plenty of activities each day to ensure that each person has ample time to stay active within the church and claim a healthy Christian lifestyle. Everything from Discipleship classes, women's and family ministry, 24 counseling hotline to fine arts, finance and life groups ministries.
In conclusion, I'd certainly recommend this church to anyone looking for a large congregation with a ton of daily Christian activities. If you are moved by good music and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and recognize that every Christian has gifts of the Spirit, one could easily call themselves a WEAG.
To learn more about the phenomenal things going on at the West End Assemblies of God church, visit their very modern and cool website at: