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Monday, February 15, 2010

Whoops! Blog Mistakes

So, there are 2 hiccups I've seen in my writing that I think need to be addressed. I've noticed grammatical errors after reading through my posts but I have intentionally kept them the way they are. I truly believe that this writing project comes from a place of inspiration and I don't want to mess with trivial things like grammar or spelling errors! I don't want to alter my original writing the same way I wouldn't want to tell a child to color in the lines because it looks better.

With that being said, inaccuracies are something completely different and I strongly feel that I need to bring two to light. Not writing errors, but errors in Truth that I have made based on presumptions I've had about 2 church's in particular. So, here they are.... I ask for forgiveness from my readers, the Catholic and LDS church's and from God.

1. To prove a point that I thought Catholicism tended to be exclusive, I noted that even in the Apostles Creed, it states that "I believe in the holy catholic church." At first glance, I felt it was proof that they needed to insert Catholicism into everything as if the church was responsible for man's salvation. Well, it was gently brought to my attention that I was interpreting the statement incorrectly. Note that the "c" in catholic is not capitalized. This is because Catholic has a complete different meaning that catholic. While obviously Catholic is used to describe a religious denomination, the latter is used to describe "universalism" which is defined as "to no one denomination." So that quote not only has an entirely different meaning than how I rashly interpreted it, but it actually is a statement of love. It is saying that they believe in One holy universal church, REGARDLESS of denomination. Wow. Not only did I call them out for being exclusive, I used a statement of proof that was actually highlighting that they were indeed inclusive. Serves me right. I sincerely apologize.

2. I mentioned in my post on Mormonism that the Elders, after walking me to my car, asked me if my husband would be home when they came by to witness to me. I immediately was under the assumption that they were trying to "close the deal" by having my partner home at the same time so we could both buy into the story of Joseph Smith. But instead, it is strictly enforced that LDS missionaries are never to enter the home of a woman when she is alone. And I have a great deal of respect for that. So once again, here I am assuming away. And everyone knows what assuming shame on me. They were only trying to do what's right and I assumed it was a shady sales tactic. Serves me right. I sincerely apologize.

Whew, now that we got that out of the way, I can't wait to talk about Zen Buddhism this week!
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